dijous, 15 de desembre del 2011

Rodney Atkins - It's America

Els que em coneixeu bé sabeu que m'agrada molt la música Country. I els que encara em coneixeu més que sóc un fan incondicional dels USA, de tots els seus tòpics i de la seva "way of life" i del seu somni tantes vegades retratat en la seva filmografia.
Doncs resulta que via AUPEO, una web per escoltar música online, rotllo Spotify però amb més contingut (almenys del meu gust), he descobert a Rodney Atkins, un cantat de Country de la nova generació, i la seva cançó "It's America". La música no està malament, és una melodia country alegre més, però el que m'ha agradat és la lletra que amb quatre pinzellades reflectesqui l'esperit més típicament americà, ple de molts dels estereotips que tenim i/o que admirem dels Estat Units.

A veure que us sembla....

Drivin' down the street today
I saw a sign for lemonade
They were the cutest kids
I'd ever seen in this front yard

As they handed me my glass
Smiled and thinkin' to myself
Man what a picture perfect postcard this would make of America

It's a high school prom
It's a Springsteen song
It's a ride in a Chevrolet
It's a man on the moon
And fireflies in June
And kids sellin' lemonade
It's cities and farms
It's open arms
One nation under God
It's America

Later on when I got home
I flipped the TV on
I saw a little town that some big
Twister tore apart
And people came from miles around
Just to help their neighbors out
I was thinkin' to myself
I'm so glad that I live in America

It's a high school prom
It's a Springsteen song
It's a ride in a Chevrolet
It's a man on the moon
And fireflies in June
And kids sellin' lemonade
It's cities and farms
It's open arms
One nation under God
It's America

Now we don't always get it all right
There's no place else I rather build my life

Cause it's a kid with a chance
It's a rock and roll band
It's a farmer cuttin' hay
It's a big flag flyin' in the summer wind
Over a fallen hero's grave.

It's a high school prom
It's a Springsteen song
It's a welcome home parade
It's a man on the moon
And fireflies in June
And kids sellin lemonade
It's cities and farms
It's open arms
One nation under God
It's America

It's America
Oh yeah

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